As the seasons change and the weather fluctuates between warm and cold temperature, heavy rain, snow, wind, and beautiful sunshine, so do the trees in your front yard adapt to the ever-changing climate. The temperature, in particular, plays a major role in how a tree survives the long harsh winters, only to sprout back into fruition in the spring.
Read MoreThe True Significance of Trees→
/Trees are a crucial part of our lives. They denote a natural beauty, cleanse and improve the air we breathe, provide the most appropriate habitats for wildlife and provide shade, cutting down energy bills.
Read MoreThe Uses of Juniperus Virginiana: A Magnificent Tree
/Juniperus virginiana is a species of tree that is often recommended for cultivation because of its ability to relieve soil erosion. It plays a crucial role in environmental protection, and is used to make many essential items such as furniture.
Read MoreTips For Screening The Neighbors With Trees
/Tree Squad arborists can also help you plan and design the layout of your yard or garden. Maybe you want some fast-growing trees for some privacy, or a specific pattern or color scheme for your property? Whatever the case, Treesquad can make it happen.
Read MoreWhy Employ an Arborist?
/Professional arborists are knowledgeable and skilled in all aspects of tree care and tree removal. Removing trees from your property is an incredibly dangerous task, and should never be handled by anyone other than a certified, professional arborist. Once removed, they can also provide you with information on proper care and even set up scheduled maintenance throughout the season.
Read MoreCaring for Trees in Fall
/Proper care and maintenance during the fall can make for a very enjoyable spring, especially if you have any fruit trees on your property. For the ripest-tasting fruit come April, be sure to provide some extra care and protection for your trees during the coming winter months.
Read MoreHow to Plant Trees Near Concrete
/Trees serve a number of functions in our world; they create oxygen, provide homes for birds and other animals, provide shade, and, can even increase your home’s property value. But trees are more than just the tall bodies of wood that we see with our eyes. The roots of trees grow deep and strong, and when placed near concrete structures such as sidewalks and sewers, can cause considerable, and costly damage to both the structure and to the tree.
Read MoreAbout Tree Squad's Tree & Shrub Care Services
/Any professional arborist will tell you that tree and shrub care should go hand in hand in order to make a cohesive, aesthetic appearance. Let our arborists handle all of your seasonal and off-season maintenance needs.
Read MoreWhat are the Oldest Trees in the World?
/The Earth has seen a great number of species of trees disappear over the centuries. You can learn about them, and other amazing species that are still with us today.
Read MoreTree Squad = Professional Pest Control
/Our professional pest control experts can help effectively maintain your property while minimizing your impact on the surrounding environment and eco-systems.
Read MoreWhy Hire a Tree Removal Company?
/Tree removal is no simple feet; it requires patience, planning, and careful execution. The professionals at Treesquad can help you with any tree removal project you may be facing, including those in hazardous locations that pose a threat to your property, and potentially to your life. Here are three different ways we can service your property
Read MoreAbout Winter Tree Pruning
/The off-season is the perfect time for pruning and maintaining the life of your trees. Proper care and attention during the fall and winter months can make for a very productive and aesthetic appeal come springtime.
Read MoreBug Education (First Edition)
/Minnesota is home to a variety of pests and insects that can cause infestations and damage or kill your trees. Here are just a few of these local pests you need to look out for, and safeguard your trees against.
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What Are the Top Tree Fire Hazards?
/Trees are susceptible to a number of fire hazards, especially in high-density areas. Forest, brush, and grass fires all pose a threat to the life and health of surrounding trees.
Read MoreWhat Are The Biggest Trees on Earth?
/What are the largest trees on the planet? In this article, we discuss some of the most impressive trees on earth.
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